Cloud Data Warehouse

Home Data Warehouse Modernization

The rapid adoption of cloud infrastructure and software services is driving a tectonic shift in enterprise IT. That shift is causing organizations to reexamine their data warehousing technology, seeking solutions that are more than just conventional software repackaged in the cloud. Data Fidelity delivers cloud data warehouse solutions for clients across a wide spectrum of industries and completely understand their data and analytics in order to transform their business.


Any organization that depends on data to better serve their customers, streamline their operations and lead their industry will benefit from a cloud data warehouse. Unlike massive, traditional data warehouses, the cloud means businesses big and small can size their data warehouse to meet their needs and their budget, and dynamically grow and contract their system as things change from day-to-day and year-to-year.


Nearly all of a company’s data is stored in a multitude of disparate databases. The key questions to ask are: How accessible is that data? How much will it cost to extract, store, and analyze all of your data? And, what will happen if you don’t? This is where data warehousing comes into play.

What customers are doing with the cloud data warehouse?


  • Gaming company replaced Hadoop + SQL database with Snowflake
  • Consumer retailer modernizing DW by replacing the legacy appliance with Cloud Datawarehouses
  • Market research company consolidated data marts to reduce costs and data silos
  • Mobile analytics company shares live data with clients

The criteria for selecting a cloud data warehouse


When you’re in the market for a data warehouse, a checklist of criteria will help determine which alternative best meets your needs.


  • Supports Existing Skills, Tools, and Expertise
  • Saves Your Organization Money
  • Provides Data Resiliency and Recovery
  • Secures Data at Rest and in Transit
  • Streamlining the data pipeline
  • Optimizes Your Time to Value

Why customers choose cloud data warehouse?




Complete SQL database

Zero management

Data sharing

How can we help


Many organizations we engage with are seriously considering transforming their business and moving some (or all) of their IT operations into the cloud. A lot of executives we have encountered are struggling with the same question: “How do we get started?” There is a strong case to be made that starting with your Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), or at least a data mart, is the fastest, and most risk-free path, with added upside potential to increase revenue and set you up for future growth.

Doesn’t disrupt the business

Doesn’t disrupt internal users

Start-up costs are a fraction of on-premises, appliance solutions

Data is growing at an exponential rate

Enable new capability

Time to move forward


Data warehousing has been rethought and reborn in the cloud for the modern, data-driven organization. Find out how you can challenge the status quo and become an IT champion that creates the future, giving users the benefits they dream of with data warehousing built for the cloud.


Take the next step toward writing the next chapter of your organization’s data warehousing history.