The rapid adoption of cloud infrastructure and software services is driving a tectonic shift in enterprise IT. That shift is causing organizations to reexamine their data warehousing technology, seeking solutions that are more than just conventional software repackaged in the cloud. Data Fidelity delivers cloud data warehouse solutions for clients across a wide spectrum of industries and completely understand their data and analytics in order to transform their business.

Any organization that depends on data to better serve their customers, streamline their operations and lead their industry will benefit from a cloud data warehouse. Unlike massive, traditional data warehouses, the cloud means businesses big and small can size their data warehouse to meet their needs and their budget, and dynamically grow and contract their system as things change from day-to-day and year-to-year.
Nearly all of a company’s data is stored in a multitude of disparate databases. The key questions to ask are: How accessible is that data? How much will it cost to extract, store, and analyze all of your data? And, what will happen if you don’t? This is where data warehousing comes into play.

Complete SQL database
Zero management
Data sharing
Doesn’t disrupt the business
Many EDW implementations are not mission-critical today (as compared to enterprise applications). As more data becomes available through social media or Internet of Things (IOT) applications, businesses need access to much larger volumes of data and they will want access to it earlier in the data pipeline. Traditional DWs contain aggregations and are used for doing trend analysis, analyzing data over a period of time to make strategic, rather than tactical decisions. They are not architected to handle this new influx of raw data in a cost-effective manner. By starting your cloud journey with the EDW, you reduce risk (by going to a more flexible architecture) while getting your team early exposure to working with cloud services.
Doesn’t disrupt internal users
Start-up costs are a fraction of on-premises, appliance solutions
Data is growing at an exponential rate
Enable new capability