AWS Optimisation

Home AWS Optimisation

AWS optimization is by no means easy. But with the right experience and expertise, it’s possible to reduce costs significantly and get the most out of your AWS resources. That can become a reality with Data Fidelity on your side. Our cloud computing specialists add serious value to your company, allowing you to completely optimize your cloud infrastructure.


Optimization for AWS

Optimizing your AWS network doesn’t have to be painful. With the right know-how, it’s possible in a few simple steps. At Data Fidelity, we take time to understand your business and your needs, before taking steps towards AWS optimization:

  • Capacity optimisation – We ensure your AWS network is the size you need for your applications
  • Resource optimisation – Our experts utilise tools such as reserved instances and the spot market to get the most out of AWS for your business
  • Monitoring – Your service usage is monitored and tracked to identify areas for improvement
  • Management – We troubleshoot problems and make changes where necessary, to ensure your AWS applications and infrastructure are working to their full potential.

Giving your business a boost

After we’ve simplified and optimized your AWS network, your business will notice a number of significant improvements:


  • AWS cost optimization – First and foremost, you’ll benefit from lower costs. With a tailored AWS network, you’re free from unnecessary added extras and unused capacity. That’s more money to use elsewhere, helping your business to grow.
  • Work smarter – You benefit from optimized AWS that works for you. With exactly the right facilities, your team can work productively without any restrictions
  • Improved scalability – AWS optimization means you get what you need when you need it. Data Fidelity can adjust and readjust your services as and when required, so you’re always at the top of your game.
  • 100% focus – Best of all, optimized cloud computing with AWS means you’re not constantly worrying about IT and the associated costs.

Effective AWS optimisation

Time to optimise your AWS network – costs and all? Choose Data Fidelity for an optimisation service that goes above and beyond:

Dedicated cloud specialists

Any queries along the way? Our UK experts are on hand around the clock to assist you

Support and assistance

You’re also joining an extensive network of prestigious clients, including the National Health Service (NHS) and Single Source Regulations Office (SSRO)

Expertise on your side

With us, you have award-winners on your side.